Online UPS
Online UPS is a type of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) that supplies power to your device through the Rectifier and Inverter Combination in normal working conditions and uses an inverter to supply AC power during a power cut. Since there is no intermittent switching in the event of power failure, online UPS can provide a greater deal of protection to your devices.
Rack Mount UPS
Rack Mount UPS autonomy time can be extended with additional plug-and-play battery packs and automatically detected Our advanced battery charging technology enables short charging times and battery-conserving charging features simultaneously. When it comes to protecting your expensive electronic and data-handling products from power surges and spikes.
Solar Power
We understand that customers have very different power needs. Our solar power backup solutions can be tailored to suit your operational needs, enabling the efficient and cost-effective storage and use of energy where it is needed and when it is needed.